Results and press

Technology-related change in the Belgian labour market (WP1)

Publications (peer review)

Other publications

Participation in national congresses/workshops/symposia

Participation in international congresses/workshops/symposia

  • Détilleux, C. & Deschacht N. (2021). Occupational change, skills and gender in the Belgian labour market, 1986-2020. Presented at the Applied Economics Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 28-29 October 2021. 

Media contributions, policy briefs & other output

Unpacking the organisational level (WP2)

Publications (peer review)

Other publications

Participation in national congresses/workshops/symposia

  • Dessers, E. (2021). Digitalisering in de zorg. Presented at the Digital Experience Event. Empowering Public Workers, Brussels. (professionally oriented)
  • Dessers, E. (2022). Technostress of technopower? Over technologie, arbeidsorganisatie en werkbaar werk. Presented at the Flanders Make event “Slim inzetten van technologieën – een verdere stap naar werkbaar werk”, Leuven, 26 april 2022. (professionally oriented)
  • Dessers, E. (2023). Technology and organizational design for motivational work. Gastcollege prof. Anja Van den Broeck.
  • Dessers, E., Jacobs, T. & Vierendeels, L. (2023). Webinar Federgon: Proeftuin Industrie 4.0 – Technologie voor werkbaar werk.
  • Dessers, E. & Moorkamp, M. (2023). Werkbaar werk in het digitale tijdperk: Hoe technologie en arbeidsorganisatie elkaar kunnen versterken. Presented at the Technologie voor Werkbaar Werk event, Gent.
  • Dessers, E., Habraken, M. & Van Hootegem, G. (2023). Werkbaar werk: Knelpunten in de Vlaamse maakindustrie. Presented at the Technologie voor werkbaar werk. Persconferentie, Pelt, 6 February 2023.
  • Dessers, E., Vranken, R. & Heyman, R. (2023). Technologie in functie van werkbaar werk. Presented at Werkbaar Werkt!, Brussels, 29 March 2023.
  • Dessers, E., Vranken, R. & Vannieuwenhuyse, D. (2024). Revolutie op de werkplek. Innovatieve technische oplossingen voor sociaal betrokken werk. Presented at the INDUmation, Kortrijk, 31 January – 2 February 2024. (professionally oriented)
  • Dessers, E. (2024). Meer robots op het werk?! Hoe ontwikkelen we technologie op mensenmaat? – Webinar Economische Reflecties. Opleiding georganiseerd door Postuniversitair Centrum KU Leuven, 19 Maart 2024.

    Participation in international congresses/workshops/symposia

    • Smits, I., Franssen, M., Beuker, L., Van Aerden, K., Lamberts, M. & Dessers, E. (2021). Sustainable employment in the age of digitalisation: unpacking the organisational level. Presented at the BEYOND4.0 Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 30 September – 1 October 2021.
    • Smits, I., Dessers, E., Lamberts, M. & Van den Broeck, A. (2021). Sustainable employment in the age of digitalisation: unpacking the organisational level. Presented at WORK2021 Conference, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 9 December 2021. Abstract included in: WORK2021 WORK III Abstract Book. ISBN 978-951-29-8718-4 (e-book).
    • van Dijk, W., Baltrusch, S., Dessers, E. & de Looze, M. (2022). The effect of autonomy on perceived workload in human-robot collaborative assembly work. Presented at the HFR 2022 (15th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics), Delft, the Netherlands, 22-23 September 2022.
    • Dessers, E., Habraken, M. & Van Hootegem, G. (2022). Bridging the gap between technology development and organization design for better quality jobs. Presented at the Sociotechnical System Roundtable Meeting, Austin, TX, USA, 27-30 September 2022.
    • Habraken, M., Dessers, E., Berx, N. & Pintelon, L. (2022). The impact of cobots on work design. Presented at the 12th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Enschede, The Netherlands, 9-11 November 2022.
    • Dessers, E. (2023). Technostress or technopower? New technologies for improving job quality in today’s tight labour markets. Presented at The 2nd Labor Policy and Occupational Safety and Health Conference. Invited by Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health & Safety (ILOSH), Ministry of Labour, Tapei, Taiwan, May 2023. (invited lecture)
    • Habraken, M., Dessers, E., Kacafírková, K., Elprama, S., Jacobs, A. & Van Hootegem, G. (2023). Addressing Technology & Workable Work (AKA Job Quality): A Workshop Format. Presented at the WORK 2023. Digital Capitalism: Peril and Possibilities, Turku, Finland & Online, 23-25 August 2023. Abstract included in: Abstract Book Work 2023.
    • Dessers, E., Habraken, M. & Van Hootegem, G. (2023). Technology for workable work? Developing personas to assess job quality impact of new technologies. Presented at the 14th Organizational Design and Management Conference, Bordeaux, France, 11-13 July 2023.
    • Smits, I., Dessers, E. & Van den Broeck, A. (2023). The impact of digital transformation on line managers’ work. Presented at the 14th Organizational Design and Management Conference, Bordeaux, France, 11-13 July 2023. (full paper)
    • Smits, I. (2023). Presentation on WP2 results. Presented at the STS Conference: Moving Forward in Time, 13-15 September 2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

    Media contributions, policy briefs & other output


    Sustainable work and changing occupations (WP3)

    Publications (peer review)

    • Focacci, C.N., Pichault, F. & Rondeaux, G. (2024). Managers in the Era of Digital Transformation: Navigating the Dual Realities of Time. New technology, Work and Employment. (Forthcoming)
    • Rondeaux G., Focacci, C.N. & Pichault, F. (2024c). The socio-material impact of digitalization: an occupational perspective. (Forthcoming)

    Other publications

    Participation in national congresses/workshops/symposia


    Participation in international congresses/workshops/symposia

    • Rondeaux G. & Beuker L. (2023). Being a recruiter in the age of digitalization: a sustainable job? Analysis of technological-related changes from the professionals perspective in Belgium. Presented at the Annual SASE (Society for the Advancement of socio-economics) conference: Socio-Economics in a Transitioning World: Breaking Lines and Alternative Paradigms for a New World Order, 20-22 July 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    • Rondeaux, G. (2023). Striking the Balance: A comprehensive Examination of Impact of Digitization on Sustainable Careers Perspectives from Five Occupations in Belgium. Presented at the CERIC research seminar. November 2023, Leeds, UK.
    • Focacci, C., Pichault, F. & Rondeaux, G. (2024). Managers in the era of digital transformation: Navigating the dual realities of time. Presented at the 40th EGOS Colloquium: Crossroads for organisations: Time, space, and people. 4-6 July 2024, Milan, Italy.
    • Rondeaux, G., Beuker, L., Pichault, F. (2024) “Competing rationalities on the use of digital technologies in the selection and recruitment process : a sociomaterial reading”, Presentation at the Dutch HRM Network Conference 2024. 6-8 November 2024, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

    Media contributions, policy briefs & other output

    Sustainable work and new employment phenomena (WP4)

    Publications (peer review)

    Other publications

    Participation in national congresses/workshops/symposia

    • Brodersen, M. (2021). Guest lecture ‘Making sense of the platform economy in Belgium – The SEAD project’, for 3th BA students Social Sciences, in the course Sociology of Work and Employment, VUB, Brussels, 21 April 2021. 
    • Martinez, E. & Brodersen, M. (2021). ‘Qu’est-ce que l’économie de plateforme? Premiers apports du projet SEAD’ at Journée d’étude ‘Sécurité et santé dans l’économie de plateforme, Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale, Bruxelles, 6 Octobre 2021.
    • Joukovsky, A. (2023). Guest lecture ‘Mobilisations collectives des coursiers et des chauffeurs en Belgique’ in the course of Structure de l’entreprise, ULB, Brussels, 21 March 2023.
    • Vandevenne, E. (2023). Measuring and understanding job quality and its relation to well-being in the Belgian platform economy. Presented at CfP Untangled Final Conference, HIVA – KU Leuven, Leuven, November 2023.
    • Joukovsky, A. & Vitali, Z. (2024). Guest lecture ‘L’économie de plateforme. Dans le prolongement de l’entreprise-réseau’ in the course of Structure de l’entreprise, ULB, Brussels, 19 March 2024.

    Participation in international congresses/workshops/symposia

    • Brodersen M. (2021). ‘Ciels troubles et terrains nouveaux – les mobilisations face aux reconfigurations des frontières spatiotemporelles du travail’. Intervention at Journées Internationales de Sociologie du Travail (online), 10-11 November 2021.
    • Brodersen M. (2021). ‘Ceci n’est pas du travail – vocations professionnelles, autonomies et déni du travail au frontières du salariat’. Intervention at Journées Internationales de Sociologie du Travail (online), 10-11 November 2021.
    • Brodersen M. & Martinez E. (2021). ‘De l’organisation en réseau à l’économie de plateforme : la négociation collective à la périphérie de l’entreprise’. Intervention at Journées Internationales de Sociologie du Travail (online), 10-11 November 2021.
    • Brodersen, M. (2022). Keynote address ‘Platform working – the Good Gig? Questions of digitalisation in the Platform Economy’. Presented at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, 16 September 2022.
    • Gevaert, J. (2023). Strategies for Surveying Platform Workers: Lessons from a Belgian Case Study. presented at the Industrial Relations in Europe Conference, September 2023, Durham University, Durham, UK.
    • Gevaert, J. (2023). Strategies for Surveying Platform Workers: Lessons from a Belgian Case Study. Presented at the Britisch Sociological Association (BSA) Work, Employment & Society Conference 2023, September 2023, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK.
    • Vitali, Z., Joukovsky, A., Dufresne, A. & Brodersen, M. (2023). Intervention on ‘Dynamiques de l’organisation collective des coursiers et des chauffeurs en Belgique’ in the seminar ‘Transformation du travail et de sa représentation: perspectives comparées’, Séminaire METICES-SYMETT, 10 November 2023.
    • Vandevenne, E. (2023). Measuring and understanding job quality and its relation to well-being in the Belgian platform economy. Presented at ADAPT: Towards a workless society? An interdisciplinary Reflection on the Changing Concept of Work and its Rules in Contemporary Economies, December 2023, Bergamo, Italy.

    Media contributions, policy briefs & other output

    Research funded by Belspo


    Sustainable employment in the age of digitalisation – Research project